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artcola Basically I post things here that distract me from the real world and most likely work that I should be doing. Thanks for visiting the site!

29 January 2009 ~ Comments Off

The Mom Song

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Being a child myself, just all grown up now, I really have flash back of my life as a child when watching this video. You see, I am a twin and have an older sister, and was raised by a single mom. Let’s just say we heard most of those word everyday.

Now having a child of my own, who is currently two, I can only imagine the times that my wife and I will have each day, some good and some not. We are truly blessed by a very loving son who surprises us everyday in the most wonderful ways.

I hope you enjoy the video as much as I did. So sit back, relax and refresh!

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29 January 2009 ~ Comments Off

I Won an iPod Shuffle from iJustine!

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I can’t believe I won! I came into the iPod Shuffle contest late, so I thought. I never imagined I would be the one to win. I had fun posting the tweet iJustine asked for, and lost a follow over it, but totally worth it.

I didn’t have my iPhone with me when iJustine twittered about her live show, but I would have loved to have chatted with her and the community. I am so excited to have taken part in this contest.

Wanna know what I’m doing?

Follow Me: http://www.twitter.com/artcola
Follow iJustine: http://www.twitter.com/ijustine

21 November 2008 ~ Comments Off

artcola is the “coolest”

artcola is the “coolest”

Steve Ouch has chosen artcola.com as one of the “coolest!” Thanks @steveouch for thinking so highly of me.

Steve Ouch is currently working on a children’s book, and you can check it out: SteamPotville.

Steve Ouch Header

Steve Ouch Header

19 November 2008 ~ Comments Off

Sweet “Real Life” Guitar Hero

Just saw this video on the laughingsquid.com. Very cool video, and great idea!

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16 November 2008 ~ Comments Off

Also, have you checked out Fel…

Also, have you checked out Fellowship One?

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